Recover middleware recovers from panics anywhere in the chain, prints stack trace and handles the control to the centralized HTTPErrorHandler.
Custom Configuration
e := echo.New()
StackSize: 1 << 10, // 1 KB
LogLevel: log.ERROR,
Example above uses a StackSize
of 1 KB, LogLevel
of error and
default values for DisableStackAll
and DisablePrintStack
// LogErrorFunc defines a function for custom logging in the middleware.
LogErrorFunc func(c echo.Context, err error, stack []byte) error
RecoverConfig struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper Skipper
// Size of the stack to be printed.
// Optional. Default value 4KB.
StackSize int `yaml:"stack_size"`
// DisableStackAll disables formatting stack traces of all other goroutines
// into buffer after the trace for the current goroutine.
// Optional. Default value false.
DisableStackAll bool `yaml:"disable_stack_all"`
// DisablePrintStack disables printing stack trace.
// Optional. Default value as false.
DisablePrintStack bool `yaml:"disable_print_stack"`
// LogLevel is log level to printing stack trace.
// Optional. Default value 0 (Print).
LogLevel log.Lvl
// LogErrorFunc defines a function for custom logging in the middleware.
// If it's set you don't need to provide LogLevel for config.
LogErrorFunc LogErrorFunc
// DisableErrorHandler disables the call to centralized HTTPErrorHandler.
// The recovered error is then passed back to upstream middleware, instead of swallowing the error.
// Optional. Default value false.
DisableErrorHandler bool `yaml:"disable_error_handler"`
Default Configuration
DefaultRecoverConfig = RecoverConfig{
Skipper: DefaultSkipper,
StackSize: 4 << 10, // 4 KB
DisableStackAll: false,
DisablePrintStack: false,
LogLevel: 0,
LogErrorFunc: nil,
DisableErrorHandler: false,